Interfaith Coalition to Restore the Water Fee Exemption for Religious Institutions
SPCDM successfully spearheaded the Interfaith Coalition to Restore the Water Fee Exemption to Religious Institutions by joining forces and forming a coalition of all faiths. The effort resulted in religious and nonprofit organizations that provided critical services to their communities to remain operable.
Historic Rosenwald
SPCDM served as the host site for 2 years in the effort to Restore the Historic Rosenwald. Elder Kevin Anthony Ford served as a task force member and successfully garnered support from elders in the community as he delivered a compelling speech to City Counsel challenging the City to move forward with the project.
SPCDM offers both a 10 &12 Week Career-Readiness Pre-Apprenticeship Training Progam. Our programs are designed to prepare hard-to-serve, historically under-represented, and minorities to enter USDOL-registered apprenticeships and other related industries. SPCDM to date has placed upward of 225 individuals into USDOL apprentices...many have achieved journeyman levels and competed in state-wide welding competitions. Contact our office for more information. Classes are currently in session and there are a few available slots. Don't miss this opportunity!